Friday, January 21, 2011

The updated Global Whitelist!

Here at Minecraft Global Whitelist we will strive to create the first completely moderated Whitelist for servers to periodically download and have an updated list of players that are committed to making the Minecraft even stronger than it is.

Why use a GLOBAL Whitelist

Advantages for servers:
1. No constant adding of people every time someone new wants into the server.

2. A consistent list of "good" players

3. A consistent list of "Griefers"

4. Personal responsibility of players that join your server. As a ban off the list means ban from a majority of Minecraft servers.

5. Access to a report of Bans

Disadvanages for servers:
1. Not as much "knowing" who will be joining into your server next.
--- The main reason this is not a huge disadvantage is the fact that you know the players connecting are players in good standing with the current version of the whitelist, and shouldn't be griefing because of a global ban.

2. Updating a server whitelist by exchanging the new versions manually
--- To combat this the server should keep the last 5ish versions in an Archive to make sure they are staying on top of it.

3. The Global list will only be updated 3 times a day.
--- This will be a main problem with the list as a player may try to be added right when the whitelist is updated and want to join a server in the lag time. This shall be combated by the server adding the player to the server-side whitelist once they have confirmed that the player has attempted to get on the global whitelist.

4. Do we know the limits of the Whitelist?
--- at the moment no, but it seems like it can be a limitless amount.

Advantages for players:
1. Knowing your playing with players that are on a global list and griefers will be taken off multiple servers should they be banned

2. All bans will be taken with a select few members of the community and will range from Weekly to permabans depending on severity and past experiences.

3. Access to tons of servers that use the Global Whitelist without having to add yourself every time you want to try a new server.

Disadvantages for players:
1. Bad behavior will be punished severely
--- This can be fixed by being a good member of the community :-D

2. Access might not be instant
--- Contact the server admin and say you have been added to the Global list and ask for a temporary add.

3. Bad Bans from a server

--- All Bans from the Global whitelist are not permabans. They will be handled separately and may include you being banned for a day or so while your case is heard. BUT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEND YOURSELF FROM FURTHER ACTION. It is however a good idea to stay away from that server should your ban be lifted to avoid bad blood.